Perfectly Imperfect PR Pros Turn your stress into progress

You’re not alone in this. We’re here for each other. Join our community and stay connected with people who understand the stress you’re facing.
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Mental health in PR in numbers

of PR pros report that work-related stress has harmed their mental health
1 in 2
of PR pros say that larger teams or more time for tasks would lower their stress
stressor for PR pros is predicting work outcomes

If the stress of PR is starting to feel like too much, take a deep breath - you’re exactly where you need to be. Our team at Prowly has dedicated months to understand the mental health challenges in PR, gathering insights through countless interviews and surveys.

We know how tough it can be, with stress often pushing professionals to their limits.

You’ve found a community that cares. Together, we’ll explore ways to manage and even benefit from the stress we face daily. Join our community and find your tribe, where you’ll be seen and find support every step of the way.

About the campaign

Stress management tips for PR Pros

Check in on your basic self-care needs
When you're feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to review your basic self-care over the past few days. Consistent sleep, nutritious food, and exercise are not just good for your body - they're essential for your mental resilience. Ignoring them makes you more susceptible to stress.
Protip: Start treating these self-care basics as non-negotiable appointments on your calendar. They're not just lifestyle choices - they're your tools for maintaining peak mental performance and overcoming challenges with more peace of mind.
Set realistic expectations
Practice self-compassion to foster a healthier approach towards expectations. Treat yourself kindly when you don't meet your anticipated results, rather than resorting to harsh self-criticism. This will help you to see that while not every goal may be met, your efforts are still valuable.
Protip: When planning a campaign or to-do list, clearly mark what tasks and goals are under your control and what aren’t. This helps manage your expectations and communicate more effectively with stakeholders, potentially unveiling new patterns and opportunities.
Practice grounding exercises
They can be incredibly effective when you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress. Here are just a few examples: Listen to and identify nearby sounds, gradually expanding to ones more distant. Look around and name objects you see, starting with the largest and work your way down. Stamp your feet and feel your connection to the ground.
Protip: Use temperature to bring your awareness to the present. Hold something cold, like a piece of ice, or something warm, like a cup of tea, in your hands. This can help recenter your thoughts by engaging your physical senses directly. More examples of exercise like this can be found in Living Well's Grounding Exercises.
Set intentions before meetings
Instead of just going through the motions, take two minutes before each important meeting for a personal check-in. Ask yourself what you hope to achieve and the approach you want to bring into the room.This practice helps you maintain focus, especially during stressful discussions.
Protip: To keep your intentions present, create visual reminders such as sticky notes or digital alerts. Place these in your workspace or set them as notifications on your devices. This constant visual cue can reinforce your intentions throughout the day, helping you stay aligned with your goals.
Schedule time for reflection
Make it a habit to take a little time out to regularly think about what's most important to you and how well your daily tasks are matching up with those big goals. It’s like giving your mind a moment to breathe, step back, and gently silence that inner critic that we all have.
Protip: Choose a specific time each day or week for reflection - book some time in your calendar, perhaps early in the morning or at the very end of your work week. Think of it as a self-care moment rather than a stressful task. Making it a routine part of your schedule ensures it becomes a habit, not an afterthought.
Take a breathing break
Pause for a quick breathing exercise to clear your mind and lower stress. It’s called the box breathing technique. Inhale deeply through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for another 4, then exhale slowly through your mouth for 4 seconds, and finally hold your breath again for 4 seconds.
Protip: Practice this breathing technique regularly, even on less stressful days. Building a habit of mindfulness and breath control can improve your overall stress resilience, better preparing you to handle high-pressure situations when they arise. Eventually, it might become a healthy reflexive response to stress.
Find someone you can confide in
Arrange regular chats with another PR pro to discuss your struggles and mistakes. This mutual support can also include double-checking each other’s campaigns for errors before finalizing them. Sharing your professional challenges can greatly reduce stress levels.
Protip: Join an online community of PR professionals to connect with peers who understand the unique pressures of the industry. If you're not ready to share openly, look for anonymous groups where you can seek advice and support without revealing your identity. This can be a great way to gain insights and find support while maintaining your privacy.

Helpful resources

Answer a few questions about your current work situation, and we'll provide you with a tailored list of resources, articles, and techniques designed to specifically address the challenges you're facing. Let's get started!
Thank you for completing the quiz! Based on your answers, we've compiled a list of resources tailored to help you manage your specific stress triggers.
Check out more mental health tipS in our previous edition of Perfectly Imperfect PR Pros
Call 988
for Mental Health Emergency Hotline (US)
Text "SHOUT" to 85258
to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line (UK)

Our partners

Jana Garanko
Head Of Public Relations at Semrush
Mark Mohammadpour
Founder and Chief Well-being Officer of Chasing the Sun
Tricia Payer
Sr. Director of Executive Communications for Microsoft
Corina Leslie
PR Manager at ZeroBounce
Tonya McKenzie 
Founder of Sand & Shores
Gini Dietrich 
Founder of Arment Dietrich, author of Spin Sucks, and creator of the PESO Model 
Tamara Sykes
Account Director at Stacker and Brand Communications Consultant

Sign up for an exclusive communication workshop with our psychologist

Join our community to take part in a hands-on workshop for PR Pros:
How to feel more in control when my work outcomes are unpredictable
Fundamentals of stress theory and its application to PR
The role of dopamine in finding rewards beyond media coverage
Planning workloads more realistically
Managing stakeholders’ expectations
Space is limited, so don’t wait too long to sign up!
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